So, I went over to visit Angela right before Christmas and she gave me this RiRe Lip Manicure in 07 Chiffon Coral. This reminds me of the Clio Lipnicure that I got some time back. Click here for that review. Have never heard of this brand till Ang gave it to me. Another one of those Korean road shop brands I guess. Will look out for it the next time I go.
Got those lip swatches randomly online. Didn't realise they have so many colours! Super loving the Wine Burgundy. Reminds me of LimeCrime Velvetines in Wicked which is supposedly always sold out. I don't think I can pull that colour off though since I'm too yellow toned. Anyway, Jan ordered LimeCrime for us last night so can't wait till that arrives and hopefully before CNY. #superexcitednaman!
Yep, I jabbed it into the crotch of my Craftoholic bear bwahahah #NSFW.
Bottle is super cute! Tiny - very portable. Has a typical lip gloss stick applicator. I've used this for a number of times already hence the mess. Colour is not too bright, seems just nice. I'm really bad at judging lipstick colour from the bottle or swatches. Have to definitely try them on my lips to know if they look ok on me.
Colour looks super pretty here! It takes longer for it to dry compared to Clio Lipnicure. Which is a good thing because you can still play around with it to smooth it out. Texture is more creamy than Clio's so doesn't really crack if you just put on one layer. This is exactly the kind of colour that Jan will scream "Nicki Minaj". But Jan, NM colour suits me hahahaah.
This is what it looks like after I gave it 3 rough scrub down the middle. Doesn't really budge. Less smudge resistant than Clio since it doesn't budge even a single bit but this is resistant enough.
I applied my most trusted Etude Magic Tint Balm again and managed to rub the whole thing off after maybe giving it more than 5 rough scrubs. This is good for when you applied it wrongly or too much when you're not at home and you don't have makeup remover with you. Micellar lotion doesn't remove this well. I tried it on my lips and only a little came off, you will need a make up remover or an oily balm.
One light application and it looks like this on me. Which is pretty bland and nothing outstanding at all but this is already better than my naked lip colour. It looks more dulled down in this lighting I don't know why. More pink rather than orange when I see myself in the mirror. Colour feels like the 3CE lipstick I got. Review is here. Slight nude colour which I really like but can't pull off for long either. Isn't it amazing how this looks totally different on my lips. I have so many WTF moments when I try on lipsticks.

OK, slightly better when the lighting makes it look more orangey which is my colour hahaha. I applied a bit of balm on top to give it a little glossy look. It doesn't feel dry compared to Clio. It doesn't feel moisturised as well but I guess for something as long lasting like this, it's already considered not too bad. Few hours of drinking through straw and it still looks pretty much the same lest for the middle portion where it hits the straw, the lines are a bit more visible there but the other areas are still looking like newly applied.
RiRe Lip ManicureChiffon Coral
I will list out the Pros and Cons mostly based on the Clip Lipnicure comparison.
Pros:Lightweight tiny packagingMatte finishingWould look fantastic for people with naturally lighter lip colour (#naturally)Longlasting Not too dryingTakes longer to dry so you can still fix it till you get the look you wantNot sticky
Cons:Very little content - but you only need one light swipe for your lips anyway so it's still acceptableYou need to be lip manicure savvy to get it to look good
Suitable for lazy people like me who doesn't like to touch up.