Ordered more Kylie Lip Kit!! Weehee..
Not sure if I have commented on the lasting power of the lipkits but here are pictures.
I think I am wearing 22 here. Forgot the shade, I took this pic ages ago.
This is what it looked like after I finished my bakchormee. If you are unfamiliar with liquid lipsticks, they usually will fade away on the center because of your food and depending on how oily your food it and what a messy eater you are, it will run more. I think I am a pretty neat eater. Usually my lipsticks only fade from the center portion of my lips.

Of course, when it gets oily, there will be transfer too. So, here is what the straw transfer look like. Actually when I am only drinking water, there will be a little transfer too, especially when you drink pretty immediately after you applied the lipstick.
Janice ordered Mary Jo K. This is what it looks on me and on Janice.
Mary Jo K. I have since ordered my own MJK. Will be posting more pictures later on.
This is Ginger! So dark! Was expecting a little more orangey shade. What a shame.
Koko K Liner and LimeCrime Bleached and also a little 22 in the center. So many things to apply damnit. Love this look.
Wearing 22 here. Looks dark on me, as usual...
Mixing Ginger and Koko K. Looks like Posie K!
This is a mixture of 22 and Koko K. I think it looks better on me compared to me applying both colour individually. Janice is wearing Ginger. Looks lighter on her than me.
Mixture of 22 and Koko K. Love this shade.
Candy K. Don't like the pictures here. I took it late at night and only had my reading light to help me. The rest of the lightings are yellow. They are super not-true-to-colour. Hate it. I will be posting more pictures later on when I bother to make up and have the sunlight.
Kristen here. It is darker on me again. Was expecting something more orangey pink.
Exposed here. Thing is with all these nude colours, people always think they look horrible on me hahahahaha. Not that I think i look great with them on but I don't think I look horrendous either. I think eye make up and outfit makes a lot of difference.
So far, here are the shades I own..
More to add to the collection - Mary Jo K and Dirty Peach (my absolute favourite!!)
For Review and picture on Koko K, click here.
Kylie Lip Kit
#Candy K, #Exposed, #Kristen
Long lasting - still have to re-apply after an oily meal especially in the center of the lips but I would suggest you just use the lip liner to reapply because if you use the liquid lipstick, it will crack and look even more horrible than it already is - the lines get more obvious. You can definitely apply your lip serum/cream before you apply them but remember to wipe them off because no liquid lipstick is going to last if you apply any balmish product before or after it.
Feels less dry compared to other liquid lipsticks I have tried.
Size is huge, it will last longer
Lip liner is buttery smooth, a joy to apply.
Liquid lipstick is not as sticky as other brand. Feels really light and not too much of a layer-y feel.
Probably too little if you use it everyday, it won't last very long.
Highlights your lip lines
Lip liner will probably finish very quick
It's a chose to sharpen the lipliner (yes, I'm lazy but I will still do it hahah)
Liquid lipstick smell is too overwhelming